You need these tools to excel in remote jobs

You need these tools to excel in remote jobs

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in the number of remote jobs worldwide. Employers are now realizing that home offices can improve productivity and enhance job performance. Most employees on the other hand prefer remote working because they believe they face fewer distractions, interruptions, and increased flexibility.

No doubt, the major contributing factor to remote work performance are the digital tools that are at our disposal. These software programs help us to work together regardless of our location. However, to fully utilize these tools, you must know how to use them effectively.

Some common tools remote teams use include;

Video call and conferencing: Zoom, Google meet, Microsoft Teams, and Skype.

Storage: Google Drive, Sketch, and OneDrive.

Collaboration and project management: Slack, Miro, Trello, and TeamViewer.

For you to be effective at using these tools, you need to learn how to use them. Thankfully there are dozens of tutorials on YouTube that can help you. Go try them out.